Identity and Collaboration to Avoid Burnout

A state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion caused by long-term stress or having worked in a physically or emotionally draining role for a long time.
The topic of burning out is difficult because it’s so closely aligned to a lot of the things that are valued as positive in most of the current professional environments. “Work hard” can shift easily in “Burned out”.
I particularly liked these two parts from an excellent article written by Siobhan:
“Having other interests helps with your sense of identity. If your sense of identity and self-worth comes only from the project, then if you do crash and burn it’ll make it ten times worse.”
“Create a collaborative culture, one where individual and heroic feats of coding, writing, or organisation, are given less weight than participation in a team effort.”
— Siobhan McKeown (2014) Burnout in Free Software Communities
Read it all, it’s a great article and has good insight also in certain dynamics that can happen in Open Source Communities.
Identity and Collaboration to Avoid Burnout Identity and Collaboration to Avoid Burnout Reviewed by Unknown on 4:05:00 AM Rating: 5

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